Sunday, November 12, 2017

Press Release

Book Release Date: December 2, 2017 at Encouraging Words, 1-3PM in Wenatchee, WA
Unexpected tragedy can strike a family at any time, as happened to the Zielinski family in 2005 when their oldest son Matthew died through suicide. Working through her grief, Julie Zielinski shares her family's joys and sorrows, creating a story of strong faith in God, friendships, and the bonds that only a close family can have, in the second edition of her book, Matt's Last Call: Surviving Our Protectors.
Her son Matthew was a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps, A Chelan County (WA)Sheriff Deputy, and an athlete. But even the training and discipline from those aspects of his life did not save him from death by his own hand at age 27, resulting from a failed relationship.
Julie's goal in sharing her story is to save someone else from experiencing the same pain and grief, in particular law enforcement personnel. There is help, and people do care. Matt's Last Call: Surviving Our Protectors ( second edition) talks about her son's life and family, and the aftermath of his tragic death. Woven throughout are words of the deep Christian faith that sustains the family, including reflections from Matt's father.
Five chapters provide words of comfort, hope and help for the grieving, and a resource guide giving contacts for help. The chapter, "The Stigma of Suicide," p[resents warning signs and other indicators that someone may be contemplating suicide.
Julie is a wife, mother, retired tennis and cheerleading coach, and a suicide activist. She and her husband live in Washington State. They have three children: Tami, Matthew (deceased), and Mark. She has four grandchildren.
She feels a need to help others. She shares her story to prevent pain and grief for other families, and to comfort other suicide survivors.
Julie has shared her story before a variety of organizations in Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado and Montana. Among these groups were members of the military, law enforcement officers, firefighters, medical personnel, and community members. She currently serves as Washington State Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) Suicide Liaison, and the Washington State Representative for the National Police Suicide Foundation. Julie is associated with Cops Alive and the Law Enforcement Survival Institute.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

A New Season

As summer morphs into fall and a new school year begins, vow to educate yourselves in the telltale warning signs that all may not be well with friends or acquaintances. Watch and observe radical changes in behavior that may be taking them down a wrong path. Note any signs of depression or self-destructive attitudes. And as the saying goes, if you see something, say something. Who knows, it may be the catalyst to recovery and at least shows them that someone cares enough to confront them.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Surprise continued!

I am out of town working on the new project!  It is getting much closer after today!  Watch for updates and a big announcement --- coming soon!
This blog has not been working well recently, but keep an eye on Facebook also.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Honor Them

Honor Them - Our Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters and all First Responders. Remember what they accomplished here on earth - As for my son, Matthew, he had passion for others, love of his Marine Corps Family and his Law Enforcement Family. Saving lost souls, saving lives. God, Country and Family. That's what life is about, Not the way they died.

Friday, February 10, 2017

A New Year

Just as the inauguration of Donald Trump seemed to spell the end of the world for some- but rejoicing for others- so the traumatic events of life can trigger fatal decisions. An unexpected bankruptcy or other financial woes, the loss of a loved one, or the diagnosis of an incurable disease often foster a sense of hopelessness that won't go away. However, just because life isn't headed in the desired direction doesn't mean the end of the world. With guidance from a knowledgeable friend or  turning to God for help just might provide a new outlook on life. Becoming others-focused is another positive way to go. Use your pain to comfort others. In doing so, you might just find relief and peace in your own circumstances.

Monday, February 6, 2017

An unexpected announcement

For the past several months I have struggled with my publishing company. I would get the run around, or ignored no matter how many phone calls I made. I was beginning to think something was fishy. Boy, was I right. I can no longer get on their website and they have major law suits filed against them. In the meantime, I am working on a second edition of Matt's Last Call: Surviving Our Protectors." I will continue my speaking events and book signings and am excited about the future. It is our hope that Matt's Last Call" will turn out better than before.When all is said and done I hope to blog more and get my website up to date. God is Great!