Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Aprill 22 The Wenatchee World published an article: Three Mothers Share Their Grief Of Losing Sons To Suicide. Please log on to The Wenatchee World and read this article. I am one of the mothers. KC did an excellent job of writing it - I was very impressed. Suicide is growing daily and I want to stop it. My book is with the layout and design people now, I think. If not it will be very soon. I am looking forward to getting it out so those contemplating suicide might change their minds. People DO care and help is out there. It is important to know that those left behind are in the worst kind of pain you can imagine. Please let us help you - life can always get better especially if you have Jesus on your side. He is my strength and I can go on because of HIM.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Jesus Christ is Risen

What a blessing Easter was - Jesus Christ is Risen and we have eternity because He died for us. Our sins are forgiven. Our church service was awesome and so powerful.

I am so thankful we were home from Palm Desert so we could hear the awesome message our pastor gave. The church was standing room only and the music was fantastic. My prayer is that everyone would return to our church, or any church for that matter, and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior if they haven't already. May God richly bless each and everyone of you.